Saturday, January 6, 2007

Request for prayer before we go

We are now only 2 weeks away from leaving for Cameroon to deliver and custom-fit over 100 wheelchairs, walkers and crutches. The outreach dates are January 21 through February 2. Thank you for your prayers and support so far. Would you please continue praying for us? A few specific items are:
· The wheelchairs are still in port, and need to get through Customs and transported to Yaounde and Bamenda. Pray that the necessary clearances would finally go through.
· Pray for Magdalene, Monique, and Silas, our partners in Cameroon, who are doing so much to prepare.
· Pray that final preparations here would go smoothly.
· Pray for safe travel.
· Pray for strength and good health.
· Pray for God’s hand and protection to be on our families.
· Pray that we would have wisdom to select and customize each chair to each person.
· Pray that our words, actions and attitudes would be examples of Jesus to each person we are with.
· Pray that many hearts would be open to a new or a stronger relationship with God through this outreach.
· Pray that Magdalene, Monique and the churches participating with them will overflow with joy, love, and kindness as they follow up after we leave.